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《诺德中心》是建筑领域 运用生长动画表现手法的作品,开创了行业内生长动画的先河。该片荣获2009年美国Siggraph大赛公映以及2009德黑兰国际动画节公映在大赛期间进行展播。
Nobel Center (2005)
Nobel Center is the first project in architecture field that use growth animation technique, which initiated the growth animation in the industry. The film was honorably released to the public in 2009 Siggraph, and has a broadcast exhibition during the 2009 Teheran International Animation Festival.
Growth Animation in Architecture Field: Through physical dec truction, use stripping and progressive expressive roaches, endow the film with an effect that can show the process of architecture materials such as steel structure, cement and glass grow out of nothing or rise straight from the ground or gradually go up. The expressive technique was initiated by Deng Bohong, who is the director of Nobel Center. By irtue of rigorous logical expressive way and ivid isual effect, the expressive technique was widely recognized and adopted by global peers. Until now, it has become a commonly used expressive technique in the industry.
该作品是亚洲在全球流体模拟领域的代表作品,于2007年获得“REALFLOW 流体动力学模拟与表现”金奖,突破此前欧美对流体粒子技术垄断局面。
West Tower of Coastal City (2007)
The product is an Asian representative work in global fluid simulation field, which won the gold award in REALFLOW Contest, and broke European countries’ monopoly in terms of fluid particle technology.
REALFLOW: 计算流体力学是起源于20世纪30年代飞机工业的需要,80年代计算机突飞猛进的发展也极大地促进了计算流体力学的发展,其应用领域从最初的航空航天领域不断地扩展到船舶、海洋、化学、工业设计、城市规划设计、建筑消防设计、汽车多个领域;90年代,计算流体力学被好莱坞引入到**工业制作中,再次扩大了这项科学技术的应用范畴,REALFLOW是在这一应用范畴全球通用的专业软件 ,2007年美国**艺术和科学学院委员会盛赞RealFlow,称其为“ 个得到广泛应用、正式发售、使用简便的能够在视觉特效中对真实液体进行仿真的系统”颁予了当年的技术成就奖。《后天》、《侏罗纪公园》、《终结者》、《加勒比海盗》、《星战前传》、《哈里波特》、《海神号》、《X战警》、《指环王》、《冰河世纪》、《斯巴达300勇士》的流体特效主要由Realflow制作完成。
REALFLOW: is a professional global software platform in the lication sense. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences once highly praised the REALFLOW as “the first system that can be widely adopted, officially distributed, easily used, and can simulate the real fluid in the isual special effects” in 2007, and granted the Technique Achievement Award of the year to it.
《金地·芙蓉世家》是全球首部通过三维技术实现中国传统工笔画风格的作品。2009年欧洲数字内容艺术创意节中获得“最佳三维模拟金奖”,这是中国人 次在该赛事上荣摘桂冠。该片与《阿凡达》、《功夫熊猫》一同荣列AUTODESK全球成功客户案例。
Gemdale·Lotus Countuard (2009)
Gemdale·Lotus Countuard is the first film that featured traditional Chinese realistic painting style by way of three-dimensional technology in the world. In 2009, the film won the Best Film-3D Simulation in the IMAGINA Awards, which was marked as the first Chinese work that won this award in the event. Along with Avatar and Kungfu Panda, the film was also enlisted in the global succes ul client records of AUTODESK.
IMAGINA:是全球最高级别的CG盛会之一,也是欧洲最重要的数字内容创意节。其专注于**、电视、广告和短片中的三维、特效及后期制作的展示活动,为创作者、商家和业界 提供了广阔的互动空间,成为欧洲乃至全球的数字娱乐及相关商业活动的风向标。 历届IMAGINA AWARD (比赛环节)均得到全球众多顶尖三维、特效和后期制作公司的高度关注。如工业光魔、皮克斯、维塔、蓝天、Buf、Framestore CFC等,另外华纳兄弟、20世纪福克斯、迪斯尼、梦工厂等顶尖**娱乐制片公司长期选送作品参赛。奖项角逐尤为激烈,《加勒比海盗3》(2008)、《X-战警3》(2007)、《蝙蝠侠前传》(2006)、《超人总动员》(2005)等都是历年来各奖项金奖得主。2009年点石数码共有三部作品入围提名,分别是《金地·芙蓉世家》和《丰盛町》入围“最佳三维模拟金奖”提名,及《荣超·经贸中心》入围“最佳专业技术金奖”提名。最终,《金地·芙蓉世家》荣获“最佳三维模拟金奖”。
IMAGINA: One of the world's top CG events, and also one of the most important digital contents creativity festivals in Europe. It focus on the exhibition of 3D, special effects and post-production in the films, television programs, commercials and short films, which provides a broad interactive space for creators, businessmen and industry experts, and become the ane for European and even the global digital entertainment and related commercial activities.
该片是2010年点石数码三维结合实拍类型的研发作品。影片前后斩获10项国际大奖,其中,在2010捷克国际动漫节中获得“最佳广告奖”,是中国目前 一部获奖作品。
Hong Long Century Plaza (2010)
The film is a researching project made by Dans Digital in 2010, which combines 3D with real shot. It won 10 international awards in succession, among which there is the Award of AD & Introductory Spots in 2010 Anifest, and it is also the only Chinese work that gained the ery award by now.
捷克国际动画**节:是由捷克文化部主办,是其境内最大的动漫**节。本届大赛设置了9个国际竞赛单元,来自 的56个 (地区)共计1315部影片参加动画节9个竞赛单元的角逐,其中158部影片入选,包括横扫无数国际大奖的《Lost and Found》、伊瑞·巴塔(Jiri Barta)的影片《In the Attic: Who Has a Birthday today?》等。“该作品技术运用纯熟,富有创意;是充分融合艺术和技术而制作出来的 作品。”这是赛事评委们对《鸿隆世纪》的官方评价。
Anifest: the biggest motion picture festival in Czech, which is hosted by Czech cultural department. The event c ists of 9 international competition, with a total of 1315 films from 56 countries contended for awards. Among which 158 films were selected, including the awards-sweeping film Lost and Found and Jiri Barta’s workIn the Attic: Who Has a Birthday today ?The judges officially assessed Hong Long Century Plaza as this: “the work showcases dexterous skills and rich originality, actually an outstanding work that blend art and technology”.
该片是点石数码2011流体模拟力作(REALFLOW软件 )。其技术彰显表现之一是:将连续的流体模拟变形,由标准的数百万流体粒子计算量提升至过亿流体粒子计算量。(其仿真 程度远超《纳尼亚传奇2》中水怪变形的仿真效果。)
The film is a fluid simulation masterpiece produced by Dans Digital in 2011.( REALFLOW software platform)
Media was be screened in 2013 Siggraph, also won the Xiamen Award for Innovation in Cyber Sousa 2011.
SIGGRAPH:是全球最具 及最负盛名的计算机图形和交互技术会议,是代表计算机图形学最高水平的全球性重量级CG盛会。悠长30多年的历史,始终保持着规模大、规格高、 强的行业地位。每届大会的报告都会提供最新的发展议题和研究项目; 各大计算机技术提供商都选择在每年的SIGGRAHPH大会发布各自的年度新产品;好来坞各大制片巨鳄与视效创作擎天柱多年均会仰仗这一 进行自我宣传,SIGGRAPH是当之无愧的 计算机图形和技术领域最新技术和资讯的发源地。
SIGGRAPH: World's most authoritative and most prestigious computer graphics and interactive techniques conference, and an important global CG event that represents the highest level of computer graphics. Over a long period of 30 years, it has always maintained a large-scaled, high-impacted and strong-positioned role in the industry.
《湖城大境》融合素描、水彩、油画多种艺术表现手法,采用画中画的创意切换真实与油画场景,是典型的创意型作品。该片于2012年艾匹克广告节上获得电视广告动画银奖,是此次大赛该单元中 一部获奖的中国作品;同时是本届大赛所有单元中,中国制作公司为中国企业品牌制作的作品获得的最高荣誉奖项。
Gemdale Lake City·Art blends drawings, watercolors, painting and many other artistic expressi , and uses picture-in-picture roach to change real and oil painting scenes, makes itself a typical creative work. The film won Television Advertise Animation Silver Award in 2012 Epica Awards, which is the only awarded Chinese work in the competition unit of the event, and also the top awarded film made by Chinese production companies for Chinese brands.
艾匹克国际广告奖(Epica Awards):于1987年创建于法国,与莫比斯奖、克里奥奖、纽约广告奖、戛纳广告奖、伦敦广告奖齐名全球最 的顶尖国际广告赛事。这六大顶尖 赛事,致力的侧重方向均有不同:克里奥国际广告奖着重原创意图而非贯彻意图;莫比斯广告奖以多元化的独立评奖方式著称,是潮流文化的晴雨表;戛纳广告大奖源于戛纳**节,以创意为主要评奖标准;纽约广告奖设有表彰公益广告作品的联合国特别奖项。艾匹克奖以专注全球最 的广告创意著称,成立后的前24年间,仅专注于全球广告顶尖代表的欧洲地区作品。2012年起,艾匹克 面向全球开放,在 范围内征集 的广告作品。本届艾匹卡广告奖共收到来自62个 的3900部作品,均由 广告公司选送,如奥美、JWT、DDB、BBDO(美国)、WANDA(法国)、CAA(美国);众多全球声誉显赫的国际品牌广告作品同台竞技,包括《The Bus》(MIDTTRAFIK)、《Cartier Odyssey》(卡地亚)、《Ali》(路易斯·威登)、《The Invisible Drive》(奔驰)、《Large Coffee》(麦当劳)、《Enchanted Forest》(联邦快递)、《HEDGEHOGS》(大众)、《ZOMBIU GAME TRAILER》(育碧)、《Cokehands》(可口可乐)等等。
Epica Awards: Started in France in 1987, in the first 24 years after its establishment focus only on the top global advertising works in the European region. In 2012, Epica Awards opened to the whole world for the first time and collected outstanding advertising works from all over the world.
